A cloud encrypted data analytics platform
Allows data collection and sharing
Without compromising privacy or exposing data
CorrStat™ is the next evolution in controlling and using your health data. Your personal data is held in both technical and legal lockboxes. It is only visible to you!
- Access the World's health.
- Your private data is not sold off to advertisers.
- Your data is used by researchers studying health related issues.
- Researchers are not allowed access to the actual data unless you provide permission.
- No one but YOU has any idea who you are, You control your data.
- Researchers can submit requests to CorrStat that allow the system to ask you if you would like to participate in a clinical trial, study, etc.
Intrigued? Create an account and help improve the world's health. Learn more about CorrStat and CorrStat powered Apps at www.corrstat.com
Stay Ahead of the Competition
Research Package I – The base CorrStat analysis package.
Research Package II – Research Package I plus Query ability.
Research Package III – Research Package II plus the following features:
Monitoring service – CorrStat will allow Clients to set alerts sent to text and email.
Infomediary™ service – Request Member contact or updates through the CorrStat system
External Interface Access – Third-Party commercial enterprises such as IoT can create other services and Apps powered by the CorrStat platform.
CorrStat Technology Licenses – Contact us.
The newest App powered by CorrStat!
---> Attention Researchers at Academic and Non-profit Institutions
Your studies may qualify for FREE CorrStat Analytics access! Areas of research are open to any studies. Special interest in neurological diseases and cancer studies.
Send a Research Access Request
Include a description of your organization and your area(s) of research to see if your group qualifies.
When is Data Security Important?
"CorrStat is a homomorphic encryption based data analytics platform that allows data to be used without revealing the data’s identity. The patient's health and lifestyle data is encrypted, stored and analyzed offline on a separate server system. In CorrStat, only the patient themselves can see their data and give permission to others to view it."
Your data is protected by the CorrStat Technology Platform and Avalon Global Data Trust.
CorrStat is an innovative technology leap that allows the sharing of data without revealing it.
CorrStat utilizes advanced proprietary data storage, encryption, analytics, communications, and processing technologies.
This "technology suite" allows your data to be shared within the system, but your data is not visible to the world.
Members private information is unavailable to the Internet.
CorrStat allows registered clients to send a message to selected populations, but the client does not know who got the request, how many people received the request, or if the request was ignored.
Start your own business or App using the CorrStat API.
CorrStat Respects and Guards Privacy!
CorrStat utilizes advanced proprietary data storage, encryption, communications, and processing technologies.
Member's data is not sold, shared, or bartered with anyone else.
Member's health data is available for use by the system, but the actual data is never revealed.
CorrStat management and employees don't have access to the encrypted data
CorrStat does not have an administrative interface and cannot access Member accounts.
CorrStat is a "zero-knowledge" platform.